How findingQED Works

A Problem Arises in a Story

Each web-based problem scenario is a story comprised of different navigable scenes.  Each scene is comprised of media (video, photo, graphic, charts, text, audio, etc.). Collectively the scenes tell a story which involve a problem to be resolved, and each of the scenes provide selectable information (valid and invalid, as well as relevant and not relevant). Investigating and analyzing the story, the media, and the selectable information provide the basis for understanding the situation and potential resolutions. The learner supports their final specified perspective(s) (i.e. problem resolution or resolutions) with well-reasoned fact-based arguments using facts gathered from the scenes and any necessary inferences based upon those facts.

Investigate, Analyze, Connect, Formulate, Argue

The problem solver’s objective is to investigate the web-based scene(s), identify the issue(s), gather and analyze facts, ignore red herring distractors, connect elements and create understanding, specify possible solution perspectives, and support each finalized perspective with a well-reasoned fact-based argument.  All fact gathering and argument constructions are click-based and do not require typing input.  Individualized feedback and assessment automatically provided by the platform support deep learning and skill achievement.

Infinite Range of Stories and Problems

findingQED's powerful framework enables an infinite range of contexts, topics, information types, stories, and problems.  The only requirement for a problem scenario in our framework is that there be at least one problem, issue, or question that might be resolved by at least one possible perspective, and where each such perspective can be supported by facts and reasoning to some level of certainty.

Each scenario problem can be direct and explicit or may emerge more slowly out of the scenario scenes after some inquiry and exploration. The problem can pertain to specific domain subject matter or pertain to common knowledge accessible to anyone. The problem solving process may require the use of particular concepts, models, or analytical methods, or simply rely on basic reasoning and creative thinking.

These scenario design choices are made when creating the scenario within the platform's framework. The framework ensures that the problem solving process is engaging, is fact-based, requires logical reasoning and creative thinking to resolve the problem to the greatest extent possible, and incorporates the automated feedback and assessment necessary to advance skills achievement.


Each problem scenario is comprised of one or more informational scenes.  The set of scenes provides a context, a body of facts, and red herring distractors too.  A problem scenario with a single scene can be as simple as an explicit question with all the necessary information provided in scene text, with or without associated media.  More typical, a richer scenario will consist of a series of scenes comprised of various types of digital media, including videos, photos, graphics, data, audio, and text.  While the problem scenarios currently in the findingQED library range in length from one to thirty-five scenes, there is no limit on the number of scenes in a scenario. Arguments supporting the various solution perspectives in those scenarios range from three lines to over fifty lines. The level of challenge of theses scenarios range from what a middle schooler could easily accomplish to what an expert professional would be challenged by. The level of difficulty of each scenario is the consequence of the design decisions made by the scenario creator (which is described more fully in the section "What Scenarios?")

Constructing Arguments

Each argument in support of a solution perspective is constructed on the platform's innovative Argue Pad™.  By identifying relevant facts obtained through investigating the scenes, interpreting and analyzing, making connections, judging and assessing, reflecting, deriving inferences, specifying solution perspectives and constructing arguments to support perspectives, the learner will develop and exercise their higher-order thinking skills. The explicit act of constructing well-reasoned fact-based arguments to support perspectives calls upon the myriad of essential higher-order thinking skills. As such, the argument construction process on the findingQED ArguePad™ is illuminating and developmental. It is also quite useful for diagnosing skills deficiencies, benefitting the learner.

Feedback & Assessment: Introduction

Investigating, observing with purpose, gathering valid facts, analyzing, interpreting, connecting, applying models, making inferences, and constructing well-reasoned arguments on the Argue Pad™ not only provide an innovative and powerful way to develop higher-order thinking skills, but these activities also enable the platform to deeply assess and provide feedback about each learner's strengths and weaknesses pertaining to key higher-order thinking metrics.  

Automated highly descriptive feedback highlights learner errors and provides detailed instructive advice about ways to improve higher-order thinking. There are also a robust set of quantitative analytics useful not only to students, but also to instructors seeking insights about the higher-order thinking challenges facing both individuals and groups as a whole. These robust statistics serve as a basis for measuring achievement and progress on the a full set of higher-order thinking metrics. They also empower both students and instructors to direct their focus in real-time on the areas of greatest need. Of course, all data is confidential and available only to those designated by the program administrator.

From the from the "Deeper Dive" menu just below, explore more about how findingQED develops, exercises, and assesses higher-order thinking skills. Feel free to contact us at to learn more about how how we can assist you and the learners in your organization.


A Deeper Dive into the Power of findingQED



How it Works


What Scenarios?


Knowledge vs Thinking


Feedback & Assessment


